Middletown NJ Traffic Ticket Attorney

Motor Vehicle Offense in Middletown

An extreme high number of traffic tickets and summonses for moving motor vehicle violations are written in Middletown New Jersey. There is little doubt that the presence of long stretches of the Garden State Parkway, State Highway 35 and State Highway, in addition to a total of 350 miles of roadway in the township, contribute to the significant amount of traffic ticket filings. If you were issued a motor vehicle summons in Middletown Township, a defense attorney at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall is fully capable of successfully defending you. Our team includes former prosecutors from Monmouth County and other skilled lawyers with over 100 years of collective experience. To speak to a lawyer at the firm about the circumstances that led to your traffic stop and offense, contact our Middletown Office at 615-0039. Attorneys are ready to assist you 24/7 for a free consultation.

Traffic Offense in Middletown Township New Jersey

There are certainly some traffic offenses that arise more frequently in Middletown Township than other ones. We have handled the virtually any motor vehicle ticket you can imagine and can assist you in defending a charge for:

  • Speeding
  • Reckless Driving
  • Leaving the Scene of an Accident
  • Driving While Suspended
  • Operating Without Insurance
  • Possession of CDS in a Motor Vehicle

  • DWI
  • Racing
  • Passing a School Bus
  • Improper Passing
  • Careless Driving

Almost every moving violation set forth in the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Code results in points on your license. An accumulation of four(4) or more points results in surcharges that must be paid in order to maintain your license. Twelve (12) or more points triggers a mandatory suspension of your driver’s license. You should also know that a summons for driving while suspended, possession of cds in a motor vehicle, DWI and driving without insurance result in mandatory suspension of your driver’s license. A ticket for a moving violation also frequently results in a negative impact on your ability to secure automobile insurance without premium increase. The lesson to be learned from all of these consequences is that you absolutely need to do your best to avoid a conviction for a traffic offense. Obtaining representation from a qualified Middletown NJ Defense Lawyer is your best tool in achieving this objective.

Middletown NJ Motor Vehicle Ticket Lawyer

A motor vehicle ticket is issued over 10,000 times every year in Middletown New Jersey. This is an incredibly high amount of traffic violations. Hiring the right attorney to defend a summons in Middletown Municipal Court can insure that you have every opportunity to escape a conviction. The lawyers at The Law Offices of Jonathan F. Marshall have the know how to represent you effectively in this capacity and are ready for free consultations 24/7. Call 732-615-0039 to speak to a lawyer now.

Additional Middletown NJ Legal Resources To Assist You